Wednesday, April 11

Perspectives VIII: More Dark Room Adventures

She revolves the revolving door closed. Smiles happily as the darkness, womb-like, engulfs her. Couching her in watered-down red light. As she starts taking the film out to develop it, her iPod sounds the familiar starting chords of River of Dreams. "In the middle of the night..." with its inevitable rhythm fills every corner of her head. As she feeds the film to the developing solution her toes start tapping. Irresistibly, as she dips the film in the fixer, she's nodding her head in time with Billy. While she waits for the film to dry, an impromptu little dance breaks out. Involuntary, like a rash. "In the middle of the night", Billy finishes up all too soon in grandly circular style. She regretfully gathers up the this-and-that she came in with and turns to leave, slightly breathless. The white-coated, bespectacled, white-bearded Russian professor from the neighboring lab stands just inside the door, washed a faint pink, looking at her. She (fortunately?) can't see his expression. His glasses glint meaningfully, though. "When did he come in?", she wonders, a little embarrassed, flushed cheeks flushing a shade brighter. Then with a toss of her hair, she walks past, revolving herself out. He can't possibly be startled.

"How can anyone *not* dance in a dark room?"

Less Dark Room Adventures


Anonymous said...

Can't believe the Russian guy did nothing more than just look at her!

wiseling said...

First! grin
So... wiseling [the photography (among other things) major] often dances in the darkroom. It is quite the done thing, really. Us art students can pretty much get away with anything weird.. One always hears the standard, "Oh, but she's an art kid.. yeah."
Anything normal, on the other hand, is looked on with complete bewilderment.

wiseling said...

Oh, and how does one close a revolving door? You leave me quite befuddled.

Confused n Baffled said...

point. how does one close a revolving door? i hate it when others catch these points of pedantry before me.

Revealed said...

@bm: I think he would have danced too if only he could have heard the music :)

@wiseling: One revolves it close of course!!

@C&b: And you study quantum!! Sigh!

Confused n Baffled said...

one revolves it close does one? and doesnt it then open the other side??

oh tchah! my quantum has nothing to do with it. incidentally, this time i DID study and the test went quite well.

Revealed said...

@c&b: Whoooo hooooo. Did the 'and-baffled's proud, huh?? Kept the fire of pride burning and the flag of the 'and-baffled's flying high? Well done :).

*This* revolving door was closed on one side, open on the other. Elementary, my dear and-baffled.

Anonymous said...

Your Dear-End Baffled?
Now which end would that be? :-?

HojO said...

#revealed:"How can anyone *not* dance in a dark room?"....oopssss!!...........I must say ur the QUEEN in art of making people baffle!what's say??......hey, just joking, frankly , ur writing is UNIQUE, but then sometimes with 'xtra bounce'.....just KEEP POSTING more frequently, so that we'llget havituated in this BOUNCY TRACK....bye

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

:) i never had this much fun in that smelly dingy dark room.

Revealed said...

@bm (?): Vowels are not interchangeable :)

@dara: Ty

@TGFI: Smelly??? No no no. I loveee the chemical fumes (mebbe I'm a mutant? ;)

MockTurtle said...

nice.. you should do another piece from the Russian Prof's perspective.

Revealed said...

@mt: Hahahaha. Excellent idea :)

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

Where are the other dark room adventures? (Ref: title: "more" dark room adv."

Revealed said...

@TGFI: Updated with link to first :)