Wednesday, February 21

Inter alia

Go forth and Procreate: Reason # .55

You can buy a new car with all that lovely dough you get from tax returns *sigh*. People with kids can be so annoying sometimes!


Anonymous said...

Ofcourse if one is those annoying(?) over analytic people who do not understand women at all reads this they would go "That really isnt a valid reason to procreate you know. I mean one could adopt children which basically under law wouldnt make a difference to tax.." but then since one isnt "them" one just goes
"It's another classic!"

Revealed said...

Hehehehehe. Good one :D. If one was one of those annoying (?) slapdash lemme-not-analyse-a-damn-thing-unless-i'm-being-tortured-by-evil-bearded-men-with-long-knives-and-assorted-weaponry people one would just snigger at the post and let it pass one by like the idle wind and whatnot. If only, huh? :)

Anonymous said...

..and O do you think those supercilious,annoying,woman non-understanding guys will stop at that? They will be churning out weird possibilities as to how this could also be a convoluted reasoning to just get laid and tax saving is just a happenstance..and how they have this compulsive urge to foist on the world their pet theories as to "why" something is "that way"....and O they will casually slip in "Freud" just to make a non existing point..

Revealed said...

Hehehe. Sir, let me just point out that getting laid and procreating are fast losing any shared context :D