Saturday, November 24

Another Theory Flash

Noone who has the capability or best fit to be in grad school would want to go into military training. Not just because war is clearly an archaic monstrosity that should have been abolished by now, but also because a person who has the mind of a prospective PhD candidate would pose too many questions to be a propah militant.

My sample size this time is a little bigger than my last theory-flash (where n=1), so I await reprisal with a quiet, optimistic confidence.


Anonymous said...

Oi, achei seu blog pelo google está bem interessante gostei desse post. Gostaria de falar sobre o CresceNet. O CresceNet é um provedor de internet discada que remunera seus usuários pelo tempo conectado. Exatamente isso que você leu, estão pagando para você conectar. O provedor paga 20 centavos por hora de conexão discada com ligação local para mais de 2100 cidades do Brasil. O CresceNet tem um acelerador de conexão, que deixa sua conexão até 10 vezes mais rápida. Quem utiliza banda larga pode lucrar também, basta se cadastrar no CresceNet e quando for dormir conectar por discada, é possível pagar a ADSL só com o dinheiro da discada. Nos horários de minuto único o gasto com telefone é mínimo e a remuneração do CresceNet generosa. Se você quiser linkar o Cresce.Net( no seu blog eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso. If is possible add the CresceNet( in your blogroll, I thank. Good bye friend.

Pri said...

i agree one hundred percent with above person.

wiseling said...

umm what? interesting comments you're drawing with your theories there, flaffy...
but yes, one does quite agree..
'war doesn't determine who is right, but who is left' and all that...

Renovatio said...

What is it good for, absolutely nothing! Huh!
It's more fun when Jackie Chan dances to it, of course.

Revealed said...

@pri: What??!!! You agree??? *Agree*??? I'm appalled!

@wiseling: Yes, I do, don't I? It's not just my theories, though. It's me in general. Freaks flock to me.

@ren: Ah! Jackie Chan! Dancing! You just put me off my dinner.

??! said...

You don't like Jackie Chan dancing? You prefer Sammo Hung?

Renovatio said...

She rooks rike a frower and she stings like a bee... Cue cabaret dancers.

Renovatio said...

Wait, I was thinking Will Hung.

??! said...


How you can mix up the two eh?


Heh Heh said...

militant not equal to military training, no?

i agree with the broad point. it requires taking orders, and independent minded people are unlikely to take that well.